
The address below is the postal address of Tradekar Benelux BV and Tradekar International BV. Unfortunately it is not possible for consumers to visit our office. For technical questions, please contact out customer service or fill in the form below. For other questions, information and sales, please contact a dealer nearby.

Contact details:
Ohmweg 1
4104 BM Culemborg
The Netherlands

Phone: +31 (0)345 470990 (general)
Phone: +31 (0)345 470998 (customer service, mon-thu 8:30-12:30 am)
Fax: +31 (0)345 470991

Bike carriers:
Pro-User® bike carriers
Spinder® bike carriers

Caravan manoeuvring systems & accessories:
Enduro® technology

Caravan- & caraccessories:
Pro-User® electronics

Protection covers:
Cover It®

Tradekar general:
Tradekar Benelux BV